San Andrés de Teixido, Cedeira - Welcome to EUFUNDEVIVO!

... I went alive to San Andrés de Teixido

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Tradition says that to San Andrés de Teixido goes once dead who did not do it alive or «vai de morto quen non foi de vivo», so all those people who do not wish to do once passed away they must go during their lifes.


Have you ever been in San Andrés de Teixido? Write us your experience, story or feelings about your visit to the anciest pilgrimage sanctuary in Galicia.

Our BLOG wants to tell you something...


"If you are going to San Andrés do Cabo do Mundo, you might want to lower the revs or at least. Letting fall the tallest songs of the hairy world, grinding your beezos in the fonte do Santo and sharpening your senses, to be able to tell you that the place is abiding by your consent to begin to exist."
- Manuel
”Platero turned out to be golden and lived in freedom. The planet?, imaginary. From meadows and forests to eternity. I followed it to the edge of the mountain and looking down it appeared, at the bottom, by the very art of birli birloque, like a small Gallic Village of white houses surrounded by green gold between the sky and the sea.”
- Alicia
"Cuando vas al santuario, dejas de pertenecer a ti mismo. Una parte de tu alma se queda susurrando en los acantilados, en los bosques, en la mar."

- Alejandro

"Se non vas de vivo unha vez, vas de morto tres. No meu caso, #eufundeviva máis de tres veces e non me importaría voltar de morta outras tantas."

- Paca

Nestled between the cliffs, San Andrés de Teixido (Cedeira), is considered one of the most important pilgrimage sanctuaries in Galicia.

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San Andrés de Teixido, Cedeira (A Coruña) - Spain

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