San Andrés de Teixido in Chile

San Andrés de Teixido - EUFUNDEVIVO - We have participated in the Latin American Tourism Congress held in Valdivia (Chile).


11/18/20222 min read

San Andrés de Teixido in Chile!

This month we have traveled to South America to participate in the Latin American Tourism Congress that was held in Valdivia between November 7 and 11. Shall we tell you a little about the experience? Our main mission was to participate as speakers in the congress, with a communication embedded in the branch of "Local development and cultural heritage".

For this reason, we talked about our EUFUNDEVIVO project and tourism in San Andrés de Teixido, not only referring to information about the destination, but we also put lines of development and work to be carried out in the destination on the table. We wanted to dedicate the final part of the exhibition to something very special: the crafts of San Andrés de Teixido, the Sanandreses! These traditional figures made with bread are characteristic pieces that we wanted to value due to their important artisan tradition.

We brought a bunch of sanandreses and a very special “saint with a cloak” to give to the Universidad Austral de Chile (organizer of the congress), with the colors of the Chilean flag! For us it is a pleasure and a pride to be able to work in San Andrés de Teixido, as we have been doing since 2019 in this EUFUNDEVIVO project. In addition, we collaborate and work on the local development of the place with its population, companies and/or organizations that are for the work.

Eu fun de vivo a San Andrés de Teixido!

Eu fun de viva a San Andrés de Teixido!

I went alive to San Andrés de Teixido!